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Delivering world class customer service is our priority

Caring, reliable, and empathetic are three words that describe the Alabama Power Customer Service team, who work diligently to solve our customers' issues. In honor of Customer Service Week, let’s hear from three of our representatives and their personal experiences with assisting our amazing customers.  

Tyler Pettaway has been working with Alabama Power for 10 years as an Online Customer Care representative. His favorite thing about the job is being able to combine his three favorite subjects - writing, technology, and people - to assist with helping people. Tyler stated,  

“The mission is to be empathetic and give customers a red-carpet customer service experience.” 

Tyler utilizes the Golden Rule of treating others as you would want to be treated to drive his mindset when working with each customer.   

Kathia Richardson, Bilingual Customer Service representative, has been working for Alabama Power for 15 years. Kathy's secrets to serving our customers are summed up with 3 words: loyalty, empathy, and active listening.  When asked what she enjoys most about her job, she states,   

“The best part of my job is seeing the customer interaction and reception when we finally resolve their concerns.”  

Kathia finds passion in making sure that each customer is served properly. She works tirelessly to make sure all customer issues are resolved, and each customer leaves the Metro City location better than they came in.   

Meredith Stuart, Customer Care Associate for 12 years, shares one of the best things about working with customers throughout her career is being able to relieve the stress she senses in their voices by saying,  

“Let’s get this taken care of.”   

Meredith highlights how important it is to hear what the customer is saying and what they aren’t saying to be able to provide them with efficient service. For her, it’s a pleasure to be able to reach out and help our customers every day. 

Happy Customer Service Week to all Alabama Power customer service representatives.